Tom: C e |------------------------3-| B |----------------1-------1-| G |----------0h2p0-2-----0-0-| D |------0h2-------3-0h2---2-| A |--0h3-----------3-------3-| or just the C note right here, not sure E |--------------------------| or it's just how it's played when it slows e |------------------------| B |----------------1-------| G |----------0h2p0-2-------| D |------0h2-------3-0h2---| A |--0h3-----------3-------| with a C sometimes strummed at the end E |------------------------| I play my C's with my pinky on the third fret on the high e, you don't have to my play that way if you don't want to. some parts of the songs it's just strumming C to F and back to C