Tom: C music transcribed by evan c. parker lyric transcribed by christopher "kit" anderson the music was taken off of a dave solo, so is a little different from the version with the rest of the band... actually, i think the song sounds better with just dave. dave plays around with the chords, filling them in here and there, and offsetting the notes... play with it until it sounds good. intro: verse: Dm Dm Bb C F Bb Am C B +------+ e +---------------------------+ B +------+ B +---------------------------+ G +--10--+ G +--10--7--9---2--7---5---9--+ B +------+ D +---------------------------+ B +------+ A +---------------------------+ <---+ this is played E +--10--+ E +--10--6--8---1--6---5---8--+ | once through per | paragraph below V Dm Bb C F Bb Am Gm F Bb Am Gm e +----------------------------------------+ B +----------------------------------------+ G +--10--7--9---2--7---5---3--2--7--5--3---+ D +----------------------------------------+ A +----------------------------------------+ E +--10--6--8---1--6---5---3--1--6--5--3---+ hey.. you,.. say .. you, .. their.. oh .. so.. thousand.. you.. chorus: F C Gm Bb Am F Bb Am Gm e +-----------------------------+ +-------------------------+ B +-----------------------------+ +-------------------------+ G +----2----9----3-----7--5-----+ +----2----7----5----3-----+ D +-----------------------------+ +-------------------------+ A +-----------------------------+ +-------------------------+ E +--1----8----3-----6--5-------+ x4 +--1----6----5----3-------+ celebrate .. we come.. things .. verse: you .. now,.. or .. you .. and i.. lead .. chorus: verse: hey,.. you,.. say.. chorus: