Sleep on my love in the cold bed
Never to be disquieted my last good night
Thou will not wake till
I the fate shall overtake

Till age, or grief or sickness must
Marry my body to that dust
It so much loves and fill the room
My heart keeps empty in the tomb
Stay for me there I will not faile
To meet thee in that hollow valley

Thus from the sun my botton stears
And my dayes compass downward bears
Nor labour I to stemme the tide
Through which to thee I swifty glide

Thou like the vann first took'st the field
And gotten hast the victory
In thus adventuring to dy
Before me whose more years might crave
A just precedence in the grave

And think not much of my delay
I am already on the way and follow thee
With all the speed desire can make
Or sorrows breed each minute is a short degree
At night when I betake to rest