At the end of calamitous paths stood their beginning. The source of infinity began to pour out. As black winged squadrons covered the sky. As insanity's `wakening drowned out howling beasts. As frostic wind scraggy skims over darkened lands, Like a shrill woeful sigh. This is the herald of the grand tempest. As forces of gravity began to pour out. Like a falling boulder the ground of their arrival shivers. Mit derben äxten gegen den himmel erhoben, Ertönt der gleichschritt. Nocturnal march ! Nocturnal march ! There abysmal oceans raise their mighty flood, Wrenching the weakness into infernal gullets. As black winged squadrons covered the sky. As insanity's `wakening drowned out howling beasts. As frostic wind scraggy skims over darkened lands, Like a shrill woeful sigh. Hurricanes and earthquakes are shattering bleak ground Hordes of plague and pestilence the grand pest commands - like an ursurpingly march, all devastating ... thus dwindling - praying humanity. Mit derben äxten gegen den himmel erhoben, Ertönt der gleichschritt. Nocturnal march ! We start the nocturnal march !