Oh my doom-damned friend, What goes on in your head? Need to be, need to lie Just living legend in your own mind Walk a lonely path, Through the land of the blind. Render naught the sheep pens Built in your life Every day you complicate Feed a need you can never sate Make rules, intend to break Play the ladder and the snake You can't unlearn what you have learned Dare not deserve what you have earned The walls inside of your head-room Written in blood Welcome to your "doom!" Treating your friends like they are pawns They know you cannot see The shit stains on your face and breath From all the lies you breathe Project your own mythology False witness to your history Too many strings, too many leads Life's what you make it be Oh my doom-damned friend, What goes on in your head? Need to be, need to lie Just living legend in your own mind Who do you think you are? No one knows what you believe Where do you think you're going? Why the need to deceive?