Machine of death, disease called man World demise, a time at hand The choking air, oppressive sun What is this we have done? Blood for oil Slakes the sand House to house Hell of the damned Warring tribes On both sides Sticks & stones Land mines Ancient place Violate Holy sites Burn by night Drawn out fight Which might makes right? Endless war since dawn of time Aggression brought Aggression met The ghostly wails from minarets The promised land But promised to who? Buried by time & dust An aeon of tombs Scars on the people Scars on the land Collective history Cradle of man There is no peace for middle east Ancient hatreds are never released Praise be to allah! Praise be to God! Hail to the fire Die by the sword A crescent moon, scimitar Stars & stripes, a b.a.r. The weapons change The reasons don't We pray for peace But hope we won't Life is death Understand Power of gods In thy hands Bloodstained lands Tear stained lives Cannot cope Or empathize Last crusade Sharp my blade Eye for eye No end in sight