Lord you search me and you know me When I sit and when I stand You understand my thoughts from afar Behind me and before me Your hand is there to guide me Too wonderful for me This knowledge is beyond my reach Before a word is on my tongue You know it all before it has begun I praise you God That I am fearfully Wonderfully made Where can I hide from your presence? Where can I flee from your face? If I climb to the heavens you are there If I lie in the grave you are there If I take the wings of the dawn Or dwell at the sea’s furthest end Even there your hand would guide me Your right hand hold me fast For you night is as the day For you light and darkness are the same I praise you God That I am fearfully Wonderfully made In secret As in the depths of the earth You formed my inmost being My very self you knew My bones were not hidden from you Knit me in my mother’s womb