There’s a war being fought out there An they ain´t lookin for your blood or your soul They ain´t being nice or attentive All they’re cravin for is your gold The arena is worthy of Dante The actors-a ship of fools The rats haven’t left, they’re our leaders Inferno is here, created with our own tools. God left the stage a long time ago He got sick of the gallopin greed No ones askin him for salvation It’s the oil wells hat we need Our life has been set onto random Big Brother has thrown out his net Caught in a web of corruption We’re all headin for the final train wreck Pull the breaks man, blow the horn Stop pourin water in his face The fabric of truth’s been torn We’re way past redemption We can’t hold the pace Cease the slaughter so we can live in grace The small man searches for stardom In cheap entertainment and gab Unaware that the hollow persuasion robs him of the dreams he had It’s lies they are selling for wisdom And sadness will be their reward There won’t be no heaven or virgins In a world that lives by the sword They are calling monsters to help us To save money instead of our souls But what will we do when we’ve lost them And all that is left is a black hole The easy way out is a closed door And knockin won’t open the lock In this war all will be defeated Even the victors, united in bloodstocks When all is gone and we ‘re left standing In the ashes and the dust Will it have been worth the effort To destroy the treasures we were entrusted? When there’s nothing left to fight for Will we seethe things that we lost? Or will we be left standing in the desert Of our souls not realizing the costs?