It's my morning answer
It's my morning answer
It's my morning answer
Screen all of it

It's my morning answer
Screen all of it
Say my sorry self
It's my morning answer

Pull on madness
Melt on mouth

Say my sorry self
It's my morning answer
It's my morning answer
Screen all of it

Pull on madness
Melt on mouth
I'm corridor-less
Give me your house keys
Down on left knee
Marry old me
Down on right knee
Suck it softly
I wasn't able
Or mental stable
Morning answers
I battered chances with you
Undo, undo, undo

Down on left knee
Marry old me
Down on right knee
Suck it softly
Fuck on death day
Call off birthday
Give me back my knee
Give me back my knee
I wasn't healthy
Give me back my knee
If I could see you
If I could undo, undo, undo

Clear up badness
Muddled madness
Slip off finger
Cut off index
Strung out Sundays
Severed weekends
I cannot pretend
I cannot undo, undo, undo
Undo, undo, undo, undo
Undo, undo, undo, undo, undo, undo, undo