Bombs and money, and a death wish I don't need your inspiration, I love you honey But you're bound to vanish, in some fiery desperation Slide down, you're sliding down a flagpole To the devil in hell, Some kinda' gloryhound Who loves those demagogue hucksters, and their wishing wells I'm seein' blood red letters, on black armbands I won't hide from the mobs derision Feeding hollow point bullets, to a hungry man You got him prayin' for the cataclysm, another gloryhound You smuggle guns and bibles in a satellite dish Can't stop you at the customs station Beware the full metal hook inside the miracle fish A neo-gospel for the hungry nations Strap down, secure the weekend warrior To his T.V. seat, some kinda' gloryhound A flack jacket yuppie in a camouflage jeep He's a gloryhound, he's a gloryhound