You know you're running short of luck You're feeling out of touch So much for going out alone And doing everything on your own Oh no, now it's all taken away And there's nothing left to say Except- OK, the world disappoints But he does not There'll be colour again He's on a mission to lift you up and out There'll be colour again Oh remember now, yesterday ended last night Knocked out, out of nowhere a blow Like you've never seen or known In monochrome slow-mo you fall to the floor Never seen this place before "Oh Lord, all my hope left without making a sound" Face down, you can't face another round But he sees you now We were out our depth Running out of breath Assumed there was death round the corner We were sunk in debt And with nothing left It seemed it was almost all over Now the curtain's torn Got to sing with soul He ripped up a hole in the silence Everything reborn Got to to sing with soul He lifted me up out of sickness When you feel there's no colour And you know it's not OK Don't break Cos everything's starting again Where did it go? It seems the light's getting dimmer As I travel from four walls to four wheels and back and back It's hard not to feel that the breath is being beaten out of me When I look down will I see rock or sand?