The moon is hanging low The leaves are on the ground This winter will be long and cold I do believe the birds have even stopped singing The Giants lost the World Series I do admit I worry ‘bout the great Barry Bonds How will he feel with no ring on his finger? He's basically Mays and Ruth rolled into one But how will he feel with no ring? Mays got his early Aaron got one too Banks never did But you expect that with the Cubs. And of course everybody whoever played for the Yanks Has rings on their fingers and toes. A five-nothing lead with nine outs to go Get six more outs somehow And then Nen for the save I'll carry the thought of a five-nothing lead With nine outs to go, to my grave. I was in England, Far far away, I stayed up til five Suffering alone And when it was over, I even thought maybe The result might be different in America. Dusty, oh Dusty, Why'd you pull Ortiz? Why'd you pull Rodriguez? Why'd you pull Worrell? I rubbed my eyes and tried to understand How Nen was on the mound with no outs in the eighth. A five-nothing lead... And now it seems the team is falling apart, Dusty is gone to the Cubs (good luck Dusty!) Kent's gone, Ortiz is gone, Bell's gone, Sanders too, I guess they were just Giants for a while The moon is hanging low, the leaves are on the ground, This winter will be long and cold. I do believe the birds have even stopped singing. The Giants lost the World Series A five-nothing lead with nine outs to go Get six more outs somehow And then Nen for the save I'll carry the thought of a five-nothing lead With nine outs to go, to my grave