look mom they're gonna fry tim mcvay she said 'the nice guy who's on the cover of all those magazines? why would they want to do a thing like that?' I said cause he killed all those people in oklahoma city she said nonsense people don't kill people.. carbombs kill people. I said well yea mom but they gotta do something with him she said why don't they just get mike tyson to bite off both his ears and I said true revolutionaries never bomb buildings. true revolutionaries never bomb buildings. it attracts too much attention they never bomb buildings a little girl down my block was born with siliconin her breasts it turned out her grandma and her mother both had the implants done well evolution took care of it this time around and I wondered what it is about so many women with big breasts make it look so sad and I thought well maybe it has something to do with the weight the burden there is to carry in the world to have to feed it to be the object of its desires and I wondered what burdens the rest of us are carrying all the time. I couldn't help thinking true revolutionaries never bomb buildings. it attracts too much attention they never bomb buildings I decided to go for a walk and not do nothing except look everyone I see in the eyes and not be the first one to avert my eyes no matter what and I was planning to be gone for 10 minutes but things started happening and I didn't return for two years by which time I was the heavyweight champion of the world and the expectant father of 16 children by 13 different women I was in a fishing village in the coast of spain