Tom: A Bm Bm/F# Bm/G A E|-----------------------5-----| B|-3-----3-------3-------5-----| G|-4-----4-------4-------6-----| D|-4-----4-------4-------7-----| A|-2---------------------7-----| E|---------------3-------5-----| Bm Bm/F# i would rather hide behind you Bm/G A or stand in your eclipse the sun it does not move me like it used to and neither do you greenland i am with you i once was unwanted in the front seats all with strangers i too was the earths ceiling i lost all my feeling and now im in your shadow i am motionless i am black ill be your crash landing who could change the landscape talking well when i began to stutter my hands they will be shaking my God you will be clapping now im in your shadow i am motionless i am black now im in your shadow i am motionless i am black