Tom: Dm F C G C [Verse] C F He ain't even near 20 but he says he's seen plenty of hard times G C Cause he's been on this bus for 5 days and in his hotel for 5 nights C C7 F And his satellite dish is ruined and the new band is treatin' him mean G C And there's still another week to go and he misses his Karaoke machine [Chorus] F C That's country, my ass, who do they think we am G C Force feed us that shit, ain't you real tired of it F C Tell 'em stick it up high where the sun don't shine G C Get pissed, get mad, that?s country, my ass [Verse] D G Now she's out there too, she's got her own secrets too A D She can't sing a lick and in a bucket she couldn't carry her tune D G She's pretty as a picture and she's sure got a nice set of lips A D And she misses her producer, slash boyfriend, who seduced her, er produced her a hit Chorus in Key Of D E A Now don't get me wrong, to each his own I believe B7 E But they took the soul out of what means a whole lot to me E A Cause I can see Hank and Lefty, they?re spinning around in their graves B7 E And if they were here now, I think y'all know what they'd say