Be prepared I know what's coming next If she's entertaining doubts i guess that you know what is best So i should Be prepared To make due with what is left And if i can't prepare myself at least i know what to expect My mind's made up about her I couldn't live without her So many times So many times I should have thanked god that i have her And when i'm back home Safe in her arms Don't knock on her door Don't pick up your phone If she's entertaining doubts how do i explain A grain of salt for her to take with the things that you say Despite the distance give me trust And i will bring it home to you Give me till nothing's left but patience and i will bring it home to you She only wants to spare you and i the time We so faithfully invested She throw it in our faces You've been taken advantage of Is that all i'm capable of ? If it's just bitterness don't let it blind her