In dark - veiled forest under bleak sky It seeks its victims with wolves cry Between twisted branches between dying trees the flash of white fangs with wolves cry It crawls on the ground with sign of first sin its long-saber teeth with poison and blood The song of forest the song of dying trees a Phantom between branches the roots are crawl to him Lord of black silences Lord of flower stars dark is His kingdom with wolves cry He rules the flames of Moon from His dark-veiled throne the song of dying trees He rules the flames of Moon from His dark-veiled throne the song of dying trees is vanished in the mist Condemned by the Sun The Lord of bleak Moon The whisper of the forest the man will fear the wolves Stars will strike the Earth the oath sworn to death they laughing from the Gods The living forest mob It moving through the land and whispers leaves on wind for glory Lord Of Moon to give him stars for crown Whispering forest cry Whispering forest die The song of forest... Stars will strike the Earth...