Dead Bodies In The Woods


Troubled past, since his youth
Dayton showed he woudn´t be good
terrible headaches torturing him
making his life miserable and grim

Only way to avoid them was the act of inflicting pain
hire a hooker get in the woods
where he would torture kill and maim

No one heard their cries in the woods!

Tormented haunted never ending torture
no rest for his troubled mind time for some fucking bitch to die
no one would suspect a married man and worker
that he would cruise at night looking for hookers

To fulfill his fantasies of sex and domination
reaching a climax with death and mutilation

Victims pleading for their lives while submitted to hours of torture
acts of brutality viciously inflicted
on the poor victims before they were murdered

domination foot fetish miniature vodka bottles
orange juice his signature
killing prostitues burying them in the woods
07 victims killed by the crazy dude