Cthulhu Biomechanical

Der Großen Alten Lied

Cthulhu Biomechanical

Die Großen Alten: 
Ihr glaubt, daß ihr Meister eueres Planeten seid 
Ihr glaubt, daß ihr Meister des Weltraums seid 
Ihr glaubt, daß ihr fast alles wißt 
Und ihr glaubt, daß ihr auf alles durch eueren Verstand 
...Irren ist menschlich 

Die Großen Alten: 
In kalten und überalterten Abgründen ruhen wir 
Auf keine Menschenweise kann man 
gelangen bis zu uns 
In diesen bodenlosen Brunnen sind unbeweglich wir 
Doch gibt es keine Schranken für unsere einzige Macht 

Die Wellen unserer Gedanken pflanzen sich fort endlos 
Sie bringen unsere Befehle in Lautlosigkeit 
Wie Pfeile dringen sie in Köpfe und siedeln sich 
für immer an 
Menschen sind jetzt völlig folgsam wie alle Sklaven 
müssen sein 

Hört uns aufmerksam 
Tut was wir sagen 

Die Sterne warten auf uns 
Sie führen uns durch Schmerz und Tod 
Wir werden glücklich zwischen den 
Wir werden frei und mächtig dort 

Wir werden frei 
Wir werden frei 

Die Sterne warten auf uns 

Und der Tag brach an, 
Als der Mensch den Weltraum zu erschließen began 
Langsam aber richtig 
Vorsichtig aber hartnäckig 
Das war der Anfang unserer Freilassung 

Moscow Radio: 
As result of intensive work by Research Institute and Designing Bureau a first artificial earth satellite in the world has now been created... This full satellite was today successfully launched in the USSR... (October 4, 1959) 

The first Soviet Sputnik: 

The Great Old Ones: 
You're sure you're masters of your planet 
You're sure you're masters of Space 
You're sure you know nearly everything 
And you're sure you've achieved everything 
with the help of your mind 
...To err is human 

Yuri Gagarin's space rocket: 
The launch... 

The Great Old Ones: 
In cold and ancient Abysses we lie 
Through no human way we can be reached 

In these fathomless wells we're immovable 
But there are no obstacles for our only power 

The waves of our thoughts spread endlessly 
They carry our commands in silence 
Like arrows they penetrate into heads 
and settle there forever 
Now people are completely obedient as slaves must be 

Listen to us attentively 
Do what we tell you 

Stars wait for us 
They will lead us through pain and death 
We'll become happy amongst them 
We'll become free and powerful there 

We'll become free 
We'll become free 

Stars wait for us 

And the day came 
When the man began opening up the space 
Slowly but right 
Guardedly but stubbornly 
It was the beginning of our deliverance 

Yuri Gagarin (in Russian): 
Zarya, I'm Kedr, I can hear you very well. I feel fine. The flight is continuing well... 

I can see the earth. The visibility is good... There can be seen everything. There's a certain amount of space under cumulus cloud cover. I continue the flight, everything is good. 

Everything... everything is working very well. Everything is working very well. Let's keep going! 

Zarya-1, Zarya-1, I can't hear you very well. I feel fine. I'm in good spirits. I'm continuing the flight. Everything is proceeding well. Equipment is working well. 

The Great Old Ones: 
Stars wait for us 
They will lead us through pain and death 
We'll become happy amongst them 
We'll become free and powerful there 

Yuri Gagarin (in Russian): 
The first thing that struck me - and before that I flew planes at high altitudes - was that you can see everything in detail on the earth from space, at such a great height... And, of course, striking was the sky, black with stars, with a very bright sun... 

My greatest plans, my greatest dream is to visit the space once again, to fly there, to see more, to fly to other planets... other planets... other planets... other planets... other planets...