Oh I got too hyped up again I felt too good and made a silly old fool Egg on my face, foot in my mouth Acting like a child Don't play games Don’t be purile I will undermine myself Check out my self sabotage Inviting you to witness what I will cringe at in the future Sharing broken karaoke of the old self that you wince at Butcher the past, dig up old long-Gones To see how detached you've become The feel cycles between fraudulent and entitled And I am saved and sometimes shamed by perspective Boastfully introspective Lace my palm with silver and I'll sing a song about how shit I am A contrived analysis of me where words and themes repeat All my bursts of joy are quickly met with regret And bursts of openness and creativity and all my first attempts And soon I’m asking what of what I've made really needed to exist? I can feel my pride and shame are too closely interlinked