Cryptic Death

In Shrouds of Death

Cryptic Death

With freezing gales of shrieking winds
A barren world sighs in grief
No one can hear me - The grave has no ears
No one can save me - The dead await

I turn from light into the shade
My entity torn out and ripped to shreds

I'm wrapped in shrouds of death
The black surrounds me, all hope is gone
I am wrapped in shrouds of death
I am Chaos

No light illumines the dark
Cold hard rain lashing down
With freezing gales of shrieking winds
A barren world sighs in grief

I hear them screaming
I am their grave
No one can save them
I await

Your lungs are burning
From the suplhur on my breath
Spikes and nails
Pierce your eyes and soul

Erase your name
From the book of life
Welcome to my dominion

They turn from light into my shade
Their entities torn out and ripped to shreds

They're wrapped in shrouds of death
The black surrounds them, all hope is gone
They are wrapped in shrouds of death
They are Chaos