Crime In Stereo

No Gold Stars For Nationalism

Crime In Stereo

Now all my happiest memories 
bear distance resemblance 
to a nations spent shell casings to me. 
It's so obscene. 
With guns, germs, and steel we march faithfully into war 
until this one becomes abandoned 
like those on drugs and poverty before. 
Two men do not make a world. 
If it's for us all, where's the support? 
Let's call a spade imperialism. 
We're off focus. I bet if I had a gun 
and a bullet for every kid I knew around here 
whose parents haven't spoken in years, 
I could fight these wars myself. 
Procure oil myself. 
Given half chance by myself
to produce results in foreign lands 
I could connect pipelines by myself. 
Establish satellites by myself.