Crescent Shield

The Bellman

Crescent Shield

Dramatis Persona:
C ... The Chorus 
Y ... The Young 
B ... The Bellman 

"The Chorus" 
Curse the hand of the man 
With the bell he doth ring 
One did tell me 

"The Young" 
Old man with traveler's hands 
Scarred by age and salt of the sea 
Tell me, warn thee your tales 
Of cried from the ocean's abide 

"The Bellman" 
You fallow lads with smoother hands 
Beware the beyond sea 
The sun does not quite follow 
The skies of the water you seek 

Sunsets sadden 
Mornings terrify! 

On and on from the shores they do go 
With their hearts and minds one way do they know 
My bell will ring 
And they will sing 
A song I did too once sing 

Mercator's Poles and Meridian Lines 
The stars will guide, the sun will time 
The winds of trade will guide the way 
To the unknown and then 

Hold my hand and stay 
With me listen to what I warn you 
For so long am I imprisoned 
To these streets of ports call 
Still they sail, hence I raise 
My bell and strike its chime of fate! 

On and on from the shores we do go 
With our hearts and minds one way do we know 
Our bell will ring, And we will sing 
The song we always dreamed to sing 
Mercator's Poles and Meridian Lines 
The stars will guide, the sun will time 
The winds of trade will guide the way 
To the unknown and then 


Unseen or heard is the ghost 
Of the Bellman we know 

Unless you're the fool who 
Is doomed from the moment you sail 

Once was he the arrogant Bellman ago 

Cursed to live on to call 
The cry of the fell 

Cursed be the hand of the man 
With the bell he doth ring 

Death to you all whose 
Warnings you never did heed 

Beware of the shivering bell 
When you set forth to sea 

For it rings the chime of fate!