Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Remember That We Suffered

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Now it's time to celebrate
Grab a drink and fix a plate
But, before you feel too great
Remember that we suffered

Nights like these are filled with glee
Noshing, dancing, singing, whee!
But we sing in a minor key
To remember that we suffered

Being happy is selfish
Remember that we suffered

You have no idea what pain is

Remember that we suffered

I mean, would it be such a crime
For the Beastie Boys or Haim
To mention in their songs one time
Remember that we suffered?

I don't want to bring up the holocaust
I know, I know, the holocaust
But the Holocaust was a really big deal

[Rabbi and naomi]
Remember that we suffered

This DJ is terrific!
Remember that we suffered

My grandma's a survivor

Remember that she suffered

The sweet and the bitter

Remember that we suffered

Streisand and hitler

Remember that we suffered

Spielberg and hitler

Remember that we suffered

[Naomi and rabbi]
Have we mentioned hitler?
I'm just saying that we suffered

When I say we, you say suffered!




I can't hear you!

Remember that we suffered