From the regions of glory an angel descended, And told the strange news how the babe was attended: Go shepherds and visit this heavenly stranger; Beneath that bright star, there's your Lord in a manger! Hallelujah to the Lamb, whom our souls may rely on; We shall see him on earth, When he brings again Zion Glad tidings I bring unto you and each nation; Glad tidings of joy, now behold your salvation; Arise all ye pilgrims and lift up your voices, And shout - The Redeemer! while heaven rejoices. Hallelujah to the Lamb, whom our souls may rely on; We shall see him on earth, When he brings again Zion. Let glory to God in the highest be given And glory to God be reechoed in heaven; Around the whole world let us tell the glad story, And sing of his love, his salvation and glory. Hallelujah to the Lamb, whom our souls may rely on; We shall see him on earth, When he brings again Zion. The kingdom is yours by the will of the Father, Whose uplifted hand just the righteous will gather, Before all the wicked will pass as by fire, The heavens shall shine with the coming Messiah. Hallelujah to the Lamb, whom our souls may rely on; We shall see him on earth, When he brings again Zion.