Instinctive pull Call for expansion Impulse to seek prosperity Flee consternation East over shoulder The lantern telling lies Expiring slowly Kerosene dries Fear washes over Mud-caked teeth grind A smirking, wind-burned face cracks frown lines Chased by the fury of the dust cloud Spurs dive, hooves fly Lex sempronia agraria We migrate to find it Expansion manifesting Claiming their destiny Forge a shining city on the hill Taming the american west Thundering cacophony Bleeding trails off the map Worn heels of burden iron beat roads through granite With clay under the nail Outstretched fingers point the way When the earth drinks the sky Age of fortune is nigh Blighted by sun and choking dust Rope splinters line wearied hands The miles separate wood from lashing As blisters are rubbed to scars The more the wind blows, the harder they push Crack the whip ’til the blue meets the blue Strong spines of equine will paint the way As the call of virtue is answered with a roar The famished caravan An opportunist meal Lost half my family attempting to preserve their future Over the next crest We’ll smell salt in the air Succulent wasteland becomes deciduous Green and gold The fertile soil and sunshine With God as my witness I claim this as mine Green and gold The untouched valley beckons By the backs of forefathers I claim this as mine Migrant fighting for his life Revels in the failing light Migrant fighting for his life The wild herd is losing sight Migrant fighting for his life Wallows in implicit strife (Rhetorical tone) Migrant fighting for his life Seductive unknown The mission embellished Charged from above The promise of virtue Contrived imperialist lie The frontier arrogated Acquisition the final design The valor confabulated Irreproachable pioneers Lex sempronia agraria We migrate to find it Bloodshot eyes stare A thousand miles past sunset Horns locked with nature, dueling A conquest of reciprocation Expansion manifesting Claiming their destiny Migration