Man lives on bread alone. In the deserts of the East I met a wild, winged beast Drinking sand and eating stones. "You there, let me chill your bones," Said he of the porcelain grin, "Your month-long fast has gnawed you thin." Indeed the vultures thought me dead So I drank his water and ate his bread. The creature soothed starvation's sting And moved the son of man to sing The Ballad of the Beast. Salvation Salvation Starvation Starvation We walked to the city gate, Where he revealed my tragic fate To die impaled on a tree: The end my father chose for me. Temptation Temptation Temptation Atop the ancient temple's roof He claimed one leap would serve as proof. I jumped -- an angel took his bet, Caught me, and whispered "not quite yet." Snatched from Death by gilded wings, Fortune beckoned me to sing The Ballad of the Beast. At the zenith of the mount Where people are too small to count, My friend pointed to the land. "You could hold this in your hand... If only you'd shake mine." As I did, the sands of time Shrieked and cowered at my feet, The trumpet blare of Fate's defeat. Newly crowned the only king, I ordered all my pawns to sing The Ballad of the Beast As I danced upon the sea, Mermaids dying under me, As I danced upon the sea, I knew I was free. Free.