I've slit the throats Of clergymen and governors. Those bloated swine... May their screams unhinge A thankless crown. O king! see your soldiers Scrape at the algae growing Below the planks? They starve, yet still They quarrel for phantom ore Once owed your throne. "forgive this ship of fools," Said i to the mouths of trees, Leaves as hellhound tongues Outstretched to drink the stream. The beast flung its filth Into the wake, Tail coiled, Fingers grasping The remains of our splintered mast. Once we've razed the land of gold I will crucify him. The corpses on my raft Smell of piss and blood, Yet they were but men, And all men, slaves and kings alike, Leave stench as their epitaph. Not i. Holy mother church of rome, Cleanse this ground i conquer! Rain brimstone upon the judges Who steal from the weary. Slaughter the lutherans And priests who taint your word. Make peru the purest land, For i am its prince And will forever be. I am its prince And will forever be. O king! see your isle Burned by my soldiers. Your vassals and their wives, I hung them all. Panama will fall. With my daughter I forge an empire To survive us both. My deeds live on, For i have seen what men Could only dream they saw. I have seen what men Could only dream they saw.