Tom: C From: * (Enrico_Giuseppe BETTIO) I have been trying to work out some songs and I posted a few a while ago, If you or anyone else out there could help me work some stuff out that would be cool (the chords to the chorus of Rain would be cool. I know the intro) Failing that, just tell me any favourites and if I know them I'll send them to you Heres one for today off 'FREE'. This is what I posted a while ago, I think I would like to add to it a little but that will have to wait -------------------- off the album FREE transcribed by * Heres a song I think sounds pretty good on an accoustic I show in tab how to play the C-G-Am pattern in the verses Use your ring finger to do the C and G bass notes in the Am part I used to think he only was playing C bass notes but I gave it another listen to last night and I think he throws the odd G-bass note in I'm not too sure about the fills but theyre close enough to keep me happy. verse rhythm C G Am E|-----------------------------------------------| B|-xx---1----0----1--------1--------1--------1---| G|-xx---0----0----2--------2--------2--------2---| D|-xx---2----0----2--------2--------2--------2---| A|-xx-3---------0------3-0--------0------3-0-----| E|---------3--------------------3----------------| ^not first time fill 1 p p E|--------------------------------------------| B|-1^0-0--------------------------------------| G|----2--2^0-0--------------------------------| D|----------2---------------------------------| A|--------------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------------| end fill p p p E|--------------------------------------------| B|-1^0-0--------------------1$----------------| G|----2--2^0-0--------------2$----------------| D|----------2--2^0-0--------2$----------------| A|----------------3--0------------------------| E|--------------------------------------------| C G Am C G Am The little conversation, was over very soon C G Am F G And I watch in admiration from my corner of the room C G Am And they shine on me with starry eyes C G Am And they rain a friendly storm C G Am Like kids around a christmas tree F G And then you smile all nice and warm F G C Am These little conversations, if I try my very best F G C Am (fill 1) You know I never could say anything in 20 words or less F G C Am Somewhere sometime down the line, someday I may confess F G and tell you all, thats all The little conversations on me are very rough They leave me all in pieces You know theres never time enough Its like a book with missing pages A story incomplete Its like a painting left unfinished It feels like not enough to eat - starving.. You know these little conversations Well for me they'll never do Now what am I supposed to do With broken sentences of you I'll stay in my corner Cos thats all that I can do Let the others think for me F G C Am Little conversations are we C G Am C G Am i Are we C G Am