and so we pray for redemption and grace to fall on us we run from this altar of covenant 'twixt flesh and life spirit and love breathe your life into me shine your face on me as your son tell me i am yours your spirit be near me teach me to fear thee and honor thy ways but i'm tired of fighting your wars staying atop the oceans that rage inside i'm going under i breathe the oceans i feel nothing i have forgotten the face of my father i have lost sight of the light breaking my darkness i have forgotten the face of my father i have lost sight of the light breaking my heart into everything where am i where are you remember the terror remember the suffering remember remember me it has nothing to do with the hell i am in it has everything to do with the hell i am in from the hell we are freed from break us from these chains make us new again let us not forget the face of our father let your face shine on us always destroying our darkness