Cocoanut Groove

A Dream Of Two Summers

Cocoanut Groove

Did I fall asleep under the spruces in the garden?
Because I had the strangest dream & you were there
We walked along an empty riverside at dawn
& you could almost touch a crimson august sky

I knew that I'd been there before
But when I reached out for you
The scene was changed & then
I was on my own again

Next thing I know where in a car towards the south
& I know the song we're singing all too well
It seemed so close but at the same time far away
Like the roaring of the sea inside a shell

How did I go from there to here?
I never noticed growing up, up and away
Into this hazy shade of gray

When I awoke I felt raindrops on my face
& there were dark clouds piling up across the sky
I didn't know if I was still inside the dream
& for a moment time stood still or so it seemed

I'll flip a coin & if it lands on tails
Then I'll stay in these memories forevermore
So drop the coin to the floor