Tell me it's wrong for a man to want to be Much better known and twice as big as World War Three I've been on my knees, a transition is easy to see 'Cause Ambition you're driving me So big in America, so huge in Japan (Man) So big in America, I say you gotta get it while you can My name is all over Albania, all the rage in Iran (and) Sold out in Australia, I say you gotta get it while you can Open the door, me and my Tarot hold the key I may be unsure, but only temporarily! What will be will be and all the fools agree That Ambition you're killing me So big in America, so huge in Japan (Man) So big in America, I say you gotta get it while you can My name is all over Albania, all the rage in Iran (and) Sold out in Australia, I say you gotta get it while you can