It's a fine line with drops on either side Instant reactions: being undecided Would lose a balance unrecognised Don't leave me alone! Don't touch me! Could just as love those he despised Or vice-versa - a social supply Of any extreme you could need to arrive Of points unchartered part through fear Don't touch me! Part through reliance on getting this near Don't leave me alone! Having regular good times - good times - usually late - usually late Passing through the uncertain state Through the flinch reactive zone Where no-one stands completely alone Where togetherness tenses Just like talking over fences Just like talking over fences Ignoring the barrier but keeping it there In case the candle starts to flare Too brightly for the eye to see So much at once - O.K. hold it there Don't leave me alone! Don't touch me! Don't leave me alone! Don't touch me! Don't leave me alone! Don't touch me!