A dirty bloody syringe lies on the floor right in front of you While you are leaning against a wall starting to get high! Your eyes are staring confused into a neon light above Slowly you are sliding downwards into a puddle (pool) of urine. Chorus: A wrecked home or a destroyed childhood The reason for your addiction ain´t a fiction! You hate the circumstances you´re living in But a break out is not in sight, now! You´ve given your body, you´ve sold your soul, you have lost your self-esteem And now you are laying a white line of coke - ready to sniff it up. Your mortal terror and your troubles seem to disappear in the moment When this chemical compound flows through your veins. So why do you tell me everything is under control?! isn´t that a lie? Don´t be deceived in yourself - aren´t you afraid of the o.d.? You cut your own throat by your arrogance, com´on break the curse over your life So run for this very last chance - destroy what destroys yourself!!! Chorus(2): Scars in your heart, crack in your mind The reasons for your addiction ain´t a fiction. You hate the circumstances you´re living in But a break out is not in sight, now! Chorus(3): A wrecked home or a destroyed childhood The backround for your mess is easy to catch. A u-turn seems to be quite impossible Except if you´re changed by the blood of christ!