Snooker loopy nuts are we Me and him and them and me We'll show you what we can do With a load of balls and a snooker cue Pot the reds then, skrew back For the yellow green brown blue pink and black Snooker loopy nuts are we We're all snooker loopy Now ol' Milo as we all know's Got loadsa dappa suits London bred and he keeps his head 'Though he's got Italian roots Emotional but he keeps his cool 'Til he reaches the finals And whether he wins or whether he don't 'I always bite me eyeballs' Now our friend Den, hours he spent Down the snooker hall On the old green baize his mates seem amazed At skills with a snooker ball And them long shots, he never ever got Why? The old mind boggles But nowadays he pots the lot 'Cos I wear these goggles' Snooker loopy nuts are we Me and him and them and me We'll show you what we can do With a load of balls and a snooker cue Pot the reds then, skrew back For the yellow green brown blue pink and black Snooker loopy nuts are we We're all snooker loopy Now Terry the taff was born in a gaff In the valleys of the land of song And as the reds he puts to bed He likes to sing along And if I win he says with a grin It can only help me can't it I'll celebrate, I'll buy another eight 'Hairbrushes for me barnet' Now old Willy Thorne his hair's all gone And his mates all take the rise His opponent said cover up his head Cos it's shining in my eyes When the light shines down on his bare crown It's a cert he's gonna walk it It's just not fair giving off that glare 'Perhaps I ought to chalk it' Snooker loopy nuts are we Me and him and them and me We'll show you what we can do With a load of balls and a snooker cue Pot the reds then, skrew back For the yellow green brown blue pink and black Snooker loopy nuts are we We're all snooker loopy Now Steve last year come very near To winning the snooker crown But he never got to put it on his ginger nut Cos the black ball wouldn't go down His manager of all said 'Sod that ball' But it helped him make his mind up Now he don't care who wins this year 'Cos he's got the rest of us signed up' Snooker loopy nuts are we Me and him and them and me We'll show you what we can do With a load of balls and a snooker cue Pot the reds then, skrew back For the yellow green brown blue pink and black Snooker loopy nuts are we We're all snooker loopy Snooker loopy nuts are we Me and him and them and me We'll show you what we can do With a load of balls and a snooker cue Pot the reds then, skrew back For the yellow green brown blue pink and black Snooker loopy nuts are we We're all snooker loopy Snooker loopy nuts are we We're all snooker loopy Snooker loopy nuts are we..... We're all snooker loopy