See our Savior hung between two thieves. Hear the soldiers mock His name. See His followers as they cry in disbelief, This could not be the reason why He came. See Him realize His life is through. And see the love burn from His eyes. Behold the temple veil as it is torn in two. And hear the One on Calvary as He cries Paid in full, I've done the work I came to do. Paid in full, I've paid love's final price for you. When all hell tries to tell you that you'll never win, Just remember that the debt for your sin is paid in full. See His children torn between two ways. Some still choose to mock His Name. Hear His followers now as they can boldly say, We are the reason that He came. See the ones who trust themselves alone, To do what only Christ can do. Through Jesus' blood alone we may approach the Father's throne, And hear the words that He still calls to you