
Shadow of the Goddess


Lunar spell invade my life
Legions of memories capture my soul
Footsteps of the past, remembering history
Shadow of the goddess wife of sue
Vision of my life lost past
Huge light of earth shower of faith
Witchdoctors and demons cast ritual
Cuchavira chibcha in the temple of the sun.

Idacansas the muisca magican
Cast the skies towards the Tequendama
Chibchacum gets engry
Lifts his hands
Two rivers rise
Show their power.

They punished
Our muisca culture
Because of their rebellious ness
Before chia and sue.

Spirits of the lake
Call upon the shadows
Shadows of legends and of yesterday
Staff of the gods reform the history.
Shadows of the goddess wife of sue.
Vison is my life lost past,
Huge light of earth shower of faith
Witchdoctors and demon cast the ritual
Cuchavira chibcha in the temple of the sun.

They punished
Our muisca culture
Because of their rebelliousness
Before chia and sue.