Hannah You've got a great big house On top of easy street. You've got a million quid, A life that can't be beat. But you look down on folk, You're such a mean old bloke... Sorry, I can't seem to remember what comes next. Young charlie But there will come a day, When you're knocked off your feet. Master of ceremonies Go on, boy! Young charlie Then, what'cha gonna do when it all falls down, And where you gonna go from there? What'cha gonna do when the money's gone And who you gonna buy to care? What'cha gonna do when the landlord says "Now get yourself outta here"? What'cha gonna paint When you cannot paint the town? Remember what'cha give is what always goes around! And what'cha gonna do when it all falls down? Master of ceremonies Ladies and gentlemen, charlie chaplin! Charlie, ensemble What'cha gonna do when it all falls down, And where you gonna go from there? What'cha gonna do when the money's gone, And who you gonna buy to care? What'cha gonna do when the landlord says "Now get yourself outta here"? What'cha gonna paint When you cannot paint the town? Remember what'cha give is what always goes around! What'cha gonna do when it all falls... What'cha gonna do when it all falls down, And where you gonna go from there? What'cha gonna do when the money's gone, And who you gonna buy to care? What'cha gonna do when the landlord says "Now get yourself outta here"? Ensemble karno What'cha gonna paint charlie chaplin, ladies and When you cannot paint the town gentleman! And his big brother, Remember what’cha give is sydney. What always Ensemble Remember what'cha give is what always goes around! And what'cha gonna do when it all falls down?