It was just after dark when the truck started down The hill that leads into scranton Pennsylvania Carrying thirty thousand pounds of bananas Carrying thirty thousand pounds (hit it big john) of bananas He was a young driver Just out on his second job And he was carrying the next day's pasty fruits For everyone in that coal-scarred city Where children play without despair In backyard slag-piles and folks manage to eat each day About thirty thousand pounds of bananas Yes, just about thirty thousand pounds (scream it again, john) He passed a sign that he should have seen Saying Era logo após escuro quando o caminhão começou a descer A colina que conduz para Pennsylvania de scranton Carregando Trinta mil libras de bananas Carregando Trinta mil libras (bata Big John) de bananas Ele era um motorista jovem Fora do seu segundo trabalho E ele estava levando as frutas pastosas do dia seguinte Para todo o mundo nisso cidade carvão-cicatrizada Onde as crianças brincam sem desespero Em escória-pilha de quintal e povos administram comer cada dia Aproximadamente trinta mil libras de bananas Sim, aproximadamente trinta mil libras (grite novamente, Big John) de bananas Ele passou um sinal que ele deveria ter visto Dizendo