The only person still in my heart is you but are you forgetting about me somewhere? My tears still search for you but have you already cleanly erased my appearance? Whenever you open a door, you call me Your bright smile is so beautiful its seems like you would come back to me White snow falls once again and it rides on my tears down my yearning face White snow falls once again Just step on my sorrowful love and come There are still only tears gathered on the rims of my eyes while you will are meeting winter again somewhere else Your name still rests on my lips If I call you, it seems like you will come to me The winter song you once sang for me My tears still tell me that there are still stains inside White snow falls once again and it rides on my tears down my yearning face White snow falls once again Just step on my sad love and come The heat from your body still protects my body while my shoulders protect that warmth White snow falls once again and it rides on my tears down my yearning face White snow falls once again Just step on my sorrowful love and come