Which hat shall I wear, the red one or blue one? Which hat shall I wear to the PTA? The red hat’s becoming; the blue one’s a new one Mary, come here. Tell me which do you say? This afternoon’s meeting of our PTA Is certain to be well attended For we are protesting the ruling today Of the way separate schools will be ended Now Mary, you’ve worked for me over a year By now you must certainly know That I’m very fond of your people, my dear And I don’t mind telling you so I think it’s a pity my Jimmy can’t be In school with his darker skinned brothers With school integration I fully agree And so do the rest of the mothers But my little Jimmy is really too small To ride to your school on a bus And frankly, your people aren’t helping at all Oh, why must there be such a fuss! Oh dear, I must hurry and be on my way There’s never a time for relaxing Mary, the windows need washing today And the hall and the foyer need waxing I’ve left some dresses piled up on a chair The cleaner is coming at two Don’t let him take the green silk with a tear That one, my dear, is for you