
Eimos To Katum (We're Marching To War)


Kainika matir du
Kainiko magos teue
Briges sklitoi abounu kue
Kanumi teus teirus!

Kom lamabis to nemom
Touta ibrei-eni keltum,
Touta meno ateros
Guedimi boudiam deium!

Auo, aou eimi
Samai noktei deiuoi,
Uisrom garuom doe moi
Liteis karnukas kanunei!

Nertokoi uta boudiakoi
Oskas einti to dunom,
Nertokom anman ansrom
To katum eimos lutiakoi!

[Beautiful motherland
Beautiful your plain
And mountains cut by the river
I sing to your lands

With hands to the sky
Celtic people in iberia,
Folk of my father,
I ask the gods for victory

Away, away I go
Tonight, gods,
Give me your strength
Let the carnyx sound!

Strong and victorious
Those who march to the fort,
Strong is our name
Lutians, we're marching to war!]