Cece Winans

Always Sisters

Cece Winans

Always Sisters, Always Friends [repeat]

Always Sisters, Always Friends 
Let's stay real close till the end 
Forgiving each other, letting love cover 
Always Sisters, Always friends 

We have to live in harmony 
Even though we may disagree 
Fighting each other, is not the answer 
But sharing the greatest gift, Oooo 
Let's be enriched with peace and love 
Having compassion from above 
Never forsaking just understanding 
Ain't that what families are made of 

Always Sisters, Always Friends 

No matter what may come or go 
We stick together and it shows 
This bond between us 
Foundation is trust 
That's what true family is all about. 


We really gotta' learn to love each other 
I need to stick real close by your side 
There's no way that we can live without each other 
So why do we try 


Forever and always , I'm always gonna be with you, always 
Forever and always, No matter what you're going through, always