Tom: B TO SERVE MAN The application form asks for info, so here it is: includes Human Jerky and Homovore. I believe their URL is *. Lyrics for this song and all their other ones can be found here: http://*#7 Tune 1/2 Step Down h - hammer on p - pull off b - bend string up r - release bend / - slide up \ - slide down ~ - vibrato x - muted, struck string Riff 1 (0:01-0:15) Eb---------------- Bb---------------- Gb---------------- Repeat x4 Db-5----------2~-- Ab-5----5-5-5-2~-- Eb-3----3-3-3-0~-- Riff 2 (0:16-0:31) Tremolo Pick Repeat x4 Eb------------------------------ Bb------------------------------ Gb------------------------------ Db------------------------------ Ab------------------------------ Eb--33333333-2233-2233-00000000- From 0:31 to 0:36- Repeat Riff 1 once then Eb------------ Bb------------ Gb------------ Db--5--------- Ab--5---5-5-5- Eb--3---3-3-3- Riff 3 (0:36-0:44) repeat x4 Eb--------------------------------- Bb--------------------------------- Gb--------------------------------- Db--------------------------------- Ab--------------------------------- Eb-555-888-444-777-333-666-222-555- Riff 4 (0:44-0:53) repeat x4 Eb--------------------------------- Bb--------------------------------- Gb--------------------------------- Db--------------------------------- Ab--------------------------------- Eb-222-555-333-666-444-777-555-888- Riff 5 repeat x2 (0:53-1:08) Eb---------------------------------------------- Bb---------------------------------------------- Gb---------------------------------------------- Db--2------------------------------------------- Ab--2------------------------------------------- Eb--0-2-1-0-2-1-0---3--7--2--3-0---------------- (trem pick) Riff 6 (trem pick)(1:09-1:21) repeat x6 Eb--------------------- Bb--------------------- Gb--------------------- Db--------------------- Ab--------------------- Eb--5--8-7-6-3-6-5-2--- Riff 7 repeat x4 (1:21-1:29) Eb---------------------------------- Bb---------------------------------- Gb---------------------------------- Db---------------------------------- Ab------------------(pinch harmonic) Eb--0-2-3-0-2-3-0-0-2--------------- RIFF 8 (1:29-1:33) Eb--------------------- Bb--------------------- Gb--------------------- Db--------------------- Ab--5--8-7-6-3-6-5-2--- Eb--------------------- Then Play, in this order... RIFF 7 X2 RIFF 6 X2 RIFF 8 X2 RIFF 6 x2 Riff 8 X2 Riff 7 X2 Riff 3 X2 SOLO 1 Riff 3 X4 SOLO 2 Over RIFF 4 X4 (2:20-2:29) RIFF 5 X2 (2:30-2:44) RIFF 9 Eb----------------------------------------- Bb----------------------------------------- Gb----------------------------------------- Db----------------------------------------- Ab--2--5-2-5-2----------------------------- Eb--0--3-0-3-0-33333-777777-222-33333-00000 Finish with Riff 1 and a few Eb5 chords. Notes-This tab isnt perfect but I tried. I put the timings in on most of the parts because some are hard to hear and many sound similar to each other. Sorry I didn't tab the solos. They are both on the Eb Minor Pentatonic scale. The first is just screwing around with the whammy bar, and the second is just some sequencing on the higher strings, then an ascending run, and then a quick turnaround to finish it, so its really not that hard to improv something. Questions, Comments, Death threats all go *