Eva Cassidy


Eva Cassidy

Tom: E

Capo on 2nd fret.

Chords, in order of appearance:

F#         x 7 6 4 5 4 (Use standard "C" shape barre on 4th fret)
F#maj7/Bb  4 x 2 4 4 x
B          x 0 2 2 2 0
Badd2      x 0 2 4 2 0
B*         5 7 7 6 5 5 (Second version of B where indicated by *)
Ebm        x 4 6 6 5 4
G#m        2 4 4 2 2 2
G#m7       2 4 2 2 2 2
C#7        x 2 4 2 4 2
C#7sus4    x 2 2 2 4 2
C#         x 2 4 4 4 2
Bb7        4 6 4 5 4 4
F#7        x 7 6 7 5 0
C#2        x 2 4 4 2 2


  F#              F#maj7/Bb       B               Badd2

  F#              F#maj7/Bb       B               Badd2

Then the first verse, picked as per the intro:

F#         F#maj7/Bb  B      Badd2   
   Imagine there's no heaven

F#      F#maj7/Bb   B    Badd2   
   It's easy if you try

F#    F#maj7/Bb  B       Badd2   
   No hell     below us

F#    F#maj7/Bb B        Badd2   
     Above us   only sky

Then change from picking to strumming:

B*         Ebm     G#m     G#m7
   Imagine all the people

C#7    C#sus4 C#7
Living for  today

Use this seuence to join       |---------------|
The first and second verses    |---------------|

Play the second verse as previous, first 4 lines picked as per the tab, last 2 lines strummed:

F#         F#maj7/Bb  B          Badd2   
   Imagine there's no countries

F#          F#maj7/Bb  B   Badd2   
   It isn't hard to    do

F#            F#maj7/Bb  B        Badd2   
   Nothing to kill or    die for

F#     F#maj7/Bb   B    Badd2   
   And no religion too

B*         Ebm     G#m     G#m7
   Imagine all the people

C#7    C#sus4  C#7
Living life in peace

Pick the next part as follows:

  B       Badd2   C#              F#              Bb7
          You may say that        I'm a           dreamer

  B       Badd2   C#              F#              Bb7
          But I'm not the only    one

  B       Badd2   C#              F#              Bb7
      I hope some day      you'll join us

  B       Badd2   C#              F#
          And the world will      live as one

Then the third verse as previous, first four lines picked as per the tab, last 2 lines strummed:

F#         F#maj7/Bb  B         Badd2  
   Imagine no       possessions

F#   F#maj7/Bb  B     Badd2  
   I wonder     if you     can

F#             F#maj7/Bb  B       Badd2  
   No need for greed or   hunger

F#          F#maj7/Bb  B    Badd2  
   A brotherhood of    man

B*         Ebm     G#m     G#m7
   Imagine all the people

C#7     C#sus4     C#7
Sharing all of the world

The last part repeats twice, but strummed instead of picked as before. The song is
building up here so for more volume use the second version of "B", and leave out
Badd2. After the "F#7" which joins the two parts, the volume diminishes until you
get to the last two lines which are picked as per the tab:

B*            C#       F#    Bb7
      You may say that I'm a dreamer

B*            C#               F#  Bb7
      But I'm not the only one

B*                C#         F#       Bb7
      I hope some day you'll join us

B*          C#         F#            F#7
      And the world will live as one

B*            C#       F#    Bb7
      You may say that I'm a dreamer

B*            C#               F#  Bb7
      But I'm not the only one

B  Badd2          C#         F#       Bb7
      I hope some day you'll join us

B  Badd2      C#         F#
      And the world will live as one