Eva Cassidy

I Wandered By A Brookside

Eva Cassidy

Tom: Bb

Tabbed by: Stuart Lowe

Capo on 1st fret



  wandered        by     a        brookside             I

  wandered        by    a         mill                    I

  could not       hear  the       water                 The

  Murmuring       it  was         still                 Not a

  sound of        any             grasshopper           Nor the

  chirp of        any             bird                   But the

  beating         of  my          own             heart  was the

  only            sound      I    heard                    The

  beating         of  my          own             heart  was the

  only            sound I         heard

  Mmmmmmmmm . . .






  silent          tears fast      flowing                  When



  knew  the       touch was       kind                  He

  drew  me        near  and       nearer                We

  neither          spoke   one    word                  but the

  beating         of    our       own two         hearts was the

  only            sound I         heard                     The

  beating         of    our       own two         hearts was the

  on  - ly        sound I         heard
