Cass McCombs

Bury Mary

Cass McCombs

I’m tearing up the carpet
And I’m putting in tile
What if there happens to be a spill?
A stain would cramp my style
I wonder how I did get here
To this awful place?
Very well, there’s work to be done
Anyway, I could use the space
Tonight I’m going to bury Mary
Tonight I’m going to bury her
Tonight I’m going to fake a miracle
I’ll wait for the light of the moon
How I love the constellations!
Especially Orion,
We’ve had many conversations
The handsome giant slew all the wild beasts
For the protection of his love Eos
When he was blinded her rising sun
Returned his eyes to their greenest
Tonight I’m going to bury Mary…
I’m going to bury her china
I’m going to bury her clothes
I’m going to bury it all in one fell swoop
That’s the best way, I suppose
Ping-ping goes the shovel!
Pang-pang goes the pail!
The middle of summer
And the furnace will be burning
When she gets some mail!
Tonight I’m going to bury Mary…