
One Love


One love in my young life
Took me somewhere I had never been
And I want to live again, breathe again
In the shelter of his brightly woven love song
So long I have wanted love to be
Sitting just this near to me
Now my waiting heart is free

Few are the choices we are given
(Few the choices we are given)
The sands of time pass quickly by

One dream of my young life
Now stands holding out his hand to me
Now I can't help but believe that my whole life will be
(Whole life will be)
Spent in one love

Few are the choices we are given
(Few the choices we are given)
The sands of time pass quickly by

One dream of my young life
Now stands holding out his hand to me
Now I can't help but believe that my whole life will be
(Whole life will be)
Spent in one love
(Spent in one love)
(Spent in one love)

Um amor em minha jovem vida
Levou-me a um lugar onde eu nunca estive
E eu quero viver outra vez, respirar outra vez
No abrigo da envolvente e clara canção de amor dele
Por tanto tempo eu quis que o amor
Estivesse assim tão perto
Agora meu coração esperançoso está livre

Poucas são as escolhas que nos são dadas,
As areias do tempo passam rápido demais
Um sonho da minha jovem vida
Está agora com a mão dele estendida pra mim
Agora só me resta acreditar que minha vida inteira vai
Passar com um só amor


Passar com um só amor
Passar com um só amor