More fire- I say keep it burning Who have eyes to see I see the Istyic in the Clouds Why I have to shout it out loud-loud-loud I see the Istyic in the Clouds Never shame- yea I see the Istyic in the Clouds Why I have to shout it out loud-loud-loud Never shame and I was so proud to let them know Rastafari rule the crown shout it out Who have eyes to see - let them see The heavens and declare the glory And who have ears to hear - let them hear Rastafari is out there and everywhere And who have mouth to speak - let them speak King Selassie I done trampled the beast And have seed to sow - let them sow Good seed - and good seed will grow I see the Istyic in the Clouds Why I have to shout it out loud-loud-loud Never shame and I was so proud to let them know Rastafari rule the crown shout it out Yea I - Yea - check it out - Well again And who heart to clean - let them clean And know who is the supreme being And who have ways to curve - let them curve King Selassie will learn them for sure And who have mouth to talk - let them talk Righteousness come straight from them heart And who have feet to walk - let them walk On the right path I see the Istyic in the Clouds Why I have to shout it out loud-loud-loud Never shame and I was so proud to let them know Rastafari rule the crown shout it out I see the Istyic in the Clouds Why I have to shout it out loud-loud-loud Never shame and I was so proud to let them know Rastafari rule the crowd shout it out Who have life to live let them live and live it positively And who have things to do - let they do And let they do it true And who have works to be done - let it be done Righteously under the sun - I say judgement ??? - fire burn burn burn burn I see the Istyic in the Clouds Why I have to shout it out loud-loud-loud Never shame and I was so proud to let them know Rastafari rule the crowd shout it out