Pain, in deliverance! A dropkick in the face for once. Hate, it makes you feel right! I just wanted to live the life. You know you want to feel me! Try living in ecstasy. Too late! I'm gonna make you scream! Disease infested the system. No life in death for the victims. Repeat the cycle it beats you to the ground! Kill me to see the deception. Increase the wheels of destruction. You see me falling; feeding me to the crows! Why must you complicate everything!? It's killing my mind. I could scream to asphyxiate everything and die. Yeah! Wait, make a difference! A sick trick in your fate, so what!? Take whatever you like. I'm just gonna turn on the light. You grow into a black sheep. Steer clear of the prophecy. Too late! I'm gonna make you scream! Disease infested the system. No life in death for the victims. Repeat the cycle it beats you to the ground! Kill me to see the deception. Increase the wheels of destruction. You see me falling; feeding me to the crows! Why must you complicate everything!? It's killing my mind. I could scream to asphyxiate everything and die. Yeah! You'll find your place in life's disgrace. Patience can't wait so I'm grabbing a gun! You'll find your place in life's disgrace. Patience can't wait so I'm grabbing a gun! Why must you complicate everything!? It's killing my mind. I could scream to asphyxiate everything and die. My confidence in your empathy is leading me blind. I could scream to asphyxiate everything and die. Yeah!